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2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the Knesset law designating a day which marks the departure and expulsion of Jews from Arab countries and Iran.   

This year, the theme will be ‘The Jews of Iran.’  

A community of 100,000 has dwindled to some 8,000 as a result of antisemitism, persecution and discrimination following the 1979 Islamic Revolution.  We will hear first-hand testimony from a Jewish refugee.    

We are also honoured to welcome Danielle and Galeet Dardashti, sisters and co-creators of the audio-documentary, The Nightingale of Iran, who are travelling from New York to join us.  

Through a multimedia presentation of story, music and photos, the Dardashti sisters will relate the journey of their famous Iranian-Jewish musical family from Iran to Israel and the USA.   

This event is the official UK commemoration, with communal leaders in attendance and in partnership with Harif and JMI. A light reception will follow. 

Please note

This evening will take place in the building and online. Please choose either option when booking. A link to watch will be included in the booking confirmation email.

A booking fee of £2 will be added to all orders. 

Date - Wed 20 November 2024 7:00pm

£10 in the building; £10 online

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