This is the Shavuot 101 ONLINE Edition and you’re invited. Yes, YOU.

Two incredible educators will host a quickfire Q&A on the festival of Shavuot. You'll get the chance to ask all your questions (the more bizarre, the better!) and get all the answers you need to be able to enjoy the Jewish Festival of Cheesecake.

This is a non-judgemental, cross-communal space for you to learn everything you always wanted to know (but were too afraid to ask) about this lesser known Jewish festival. This class is open to anyone in their 20s-30s interested in learning about Jewish culture, ritual, and tradition.

If you’ve made it to the end of this description (phew!) and are still a little unsure if this class is for you and want to have a quick chat to learn more, feel free to email me at

Supported by Genesis Philanthropy Group.

Please note

Prefer to attend in person? No problem. We'll be running this event at our building on 22 May. Click HERE to book.

Date - Sun 29 May 2022 8:00pm


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