Join Aviva as she explores the richness of modern Jewish culture through reading Israeli, European and American literature. 

Dr Aviva Dautch is the Executive Director of Jewish Renaissance, the UK's Jewish arts magazine. She is a published poet, has a PhD in literature and lectures on modern Jewish literature weekly at JW3. She is a regular contributor to courses and programmes for the British Library, British Museum and BBC Radio 4 and LSJS.

  • Week 1: Siege of Comedians by Susan Daitch
  • Week 2: The Life of Sarah Bernhardt by Robert Gottleib 
  • Week 3: The Marriage of Opposites by Alice Hoffman
  • Half Term 
  • Week 4: Nobody Lives Here by Lex Lesgever, translated by Babette Lichtenstein and Jozef van der Voort. Session to be facilitated by Irene Wise. 
  • Week 5: Modern Israeli Poetry (with a focus on poetry written after 7th October)
  • Week 6: The Hero of This Book by Elizabeth McCraken 
  • Week 7: Still Pictures: On Photography and Memory by Janet Malcom

NB: This series will take place both in the building and online. To watch online, click the "Book Now" button on this page. To attend in person, click the button below.

Book to attend in person

Please note

This series will take place both in the building and online. To watch online, click the "Book Now" button on this page. To attend in person, click the button below.

A Zoom link to join this series will be included in the confirmation email upon booking. 

There will be no session on 13 June. 

Dates - -

£20 per session or £112 for the 7 week course

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