A poor but prideful teenage boy, Ulzii, determines to win a Physics competition for a scholarship, but his illiterate mother finds a job in the countryside and leaves him with his siblings in the middle of the winter. 

If Only I Could Hibernate


A poor but prideful teenager, Ulzii, lives in the yurt area of Ulaanbaatar with his family. He is a physics genius and is determined to win a science competition to earn a scholarship. When his mother finds a job in the countryside, she leaves him and his younger siblings to face a harsh winter by themselves. Ulzii will have to take a risky job to look after them all and keep his home heated. 


Rating: 12A
Genre: Drama 
Director: Zoljargal Purevdash  
Stars: Taivanbat Alexandar, Batmandakh Batchuluun, Tuguldur Batsaikhan 

Please note

This film is in Mongolian with English subtitles. 

A booking fee of £2 will be applied to all orders. 

Age - 12A Dates - -

£5 / £6 / £12

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