A film adaptation of the one-woman play by Jean Cocteau starring Shelby Satterthwaite as a woman who deals with the emotional turmoils of talking to her lover one last time over the phone.
Madness and melancholy intersect to thrilling effect as Almodóvar reimagines Cocteau’s short play The Human Voice for an era in which isolation has become a way of life. Laws of desire become the rules of the game as Tilda Swinton’s unnamed woman paces and panics in a glorious Technicolor apartment where décor offers a window into her state of mind. A short, sharp shot of distilled Almodóvar: passion, emotion, heartbreak, wit, and melodrama exquisitely bound up in a tale for our times.
The critically-acclaimed 30 minute film will be followed by a 45 minute entertaining and insightful recorded Q&A. Hosted by Mark Kermode, Pedro and Tilda discuss the inspirations they drew on for the film, how THE HUMAN VOICE fits within the ‘Almodovar oeuvre’, and what Pedro will be making next - including a great surprise for Tilda. Recorded under lockdown conditions, the discussion features visual references and clips to create a dynamic and interesting companion piece to the short film.
Watch The Human Voice trailer■
Rating: Unrated
Genre: Drama
Director: Beau Han Bridge
Stars: Shelby Satterthwaite