We’ve got new ways to keep you safe this winter and our updated COVID entry measures apply to this event. Please familiarise yourself with our Keeping You Safe page and ensure that you and all members of your party comply with entry requirements in order to attend this event.

Do you want your child to learn or improve their French in a fun and interactive way?

Join us for French Fun with Club Petit Pierrot. Multi-sensory activities including singing, dancing, games, art & craft, all in French. Sessions are led by a native French teacher and are suitable for all levels of French and for children aged 2-4.

To book, please call 020 7385 5565 or email admin@clubpetitpierrot.co.uk or visit www.clubpetitpierrot.co.uk

Supported by Genesis Philanthropy Group.

Please note

These sessions will take place in the building only.

Age - 1-3 Dates - -

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