Эль Лисицкий, культовый советский авангардист, прошедший путь от иллюстраций к еврейским сказкам до создания нового направления в искусстве. На лекции мы подробно рассмотрим эволюцию творческого метода мастера: его ранние иллюстрации к пасхальной истории о козочке Хад-Гадья, возникновение абстрактных форм и создание первых ПРОУНов (проектов утверждения нового), архитектурные и дизайнерские проекты позднего Лисицкого, включая и его знаменитый план высотки у Никитских ворот.
El Lissitzky, a cult Soviet avant-garde artist, went from illustrating Jewish fairy tales to creating a new style in art.
This lecture will explore the evolution of the Lissitzky's distinct practice through his early illustrations for the Passover song, Had Gadya; the emergence of abstract forms within his work; and the architectural and design projects of his later years, including his famous plan for the high-rise building at the Nikitsky Gate.
Maria Berezanskaya is a specialist in the art of the 19th-20th centuries with a particular focus on Jewish painters who originated from Russia. She has a PhD in philosophy and history of art, and is the author of a number of publications including “From Myth to Epic. Marc Chagall” (Moscow, 2019) and "The Mystery of Picasso. Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" (Moscow, 2019). She works at the online magazine "Zima" where she writes about British art. Maria has created a blog about contemporary and modern art - @Masha_be_
This event is supported by Genesis Philanthropy Group.