In the seaside town of Oceanside, California, fifteen-year-old Ruby Gillman lives with her family, who are trying to fit in with the humans despite being krakens. 

Ruby Gillman Teenage Kraken


A shy adolescent learns that she comes from a fabled royal family of legendary sea krakens and that her destiny lies in the depths of the waters, which is bigger than she could have ever imagined. Sixteen-year-old Ruby Gillman learns that she is in the next legendary line of sea krakens


Ratings: PG 
Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure 
Director: Kirk DeMicco, Faryn Pearl 
Stars: Jane Fonda, Lana Condor, Toni Collette 

Age - PG Date - Mon 31 July 2023 10:30am

£5 / £6 / £12

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