Dr Dror Bondi and Rabba Iris Bondi present this online briefing to discuss the latest on the current war in Israel.

Dr Dror Bondi is a research fellow at Hartman Institute has a doctorate in Jewish Thought from Bar-Ilan University. He is an author, translator and editor. He has dedicated the last 15 years to bring Abraham Joshua Heschel's thoughts to Israel. His book Ayeca? about Heschel thought earned him the Shalem Prize 2006.

Iris Bondi is an ordained Rabba by the Beit Midrash for Israeli Rabbis. She is a Fellow of The Honey Foundation for Spiritual Leadership in Israel, and serves her community Beit Israel in Jerusalem’s Gilo neighbourhood, where she and Dror live. She is an ordained Spiritual Caregiver, and a trained clinical social worker. She led the Community's Resilience Team through the war.

Recordings of previous weeks can be found here: https://www.jw3.org.uk/jw3-tv