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Many millennial women were shaped by the cult 2000s TV show Gilmore Girls. It’s not considered a “Jewish” show, but writer and director Amy Sherman-Palladino went on to write and direct one of the most Jewish shows on TV - The Marvellous Mrs Maisel.

Francesca will look at Sherman-Palladino’s progression from “secretly Jewish” to “we got the rabbi!”, exploring the joy of Judaism in Sherman-Palladino’s work.

Francesca is an interior and textiles designer and maker from East London. She appeared on Season 5 of the BBC’s Interior Design Masters with Alan Carr.

Please note

This event will take place in the building and online. Please choose either option when booking. A link to watch will be included in the booking confirmation email.

A booking fee of £2 will be added to all orders

Date - Thu 06 February 2025 7:30pm


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