In the 7 weeks between the festivals of Pesach and Shavuot, we have the practice of counting the Omer.
It is a way of marking our journey from liberation to revelation, from openness to insight. Jewish mystical traditions teach that each week of the Omer is associated with a different divine quality which, with practice, we draw into our being and our lives.
We will meet in the week of Tiferet, the quality of harmony, beauty and balance. Tiferet is particularly known as a balance between the qualities of kindness and strength. We know we need them both; but how are we to harmonise these different textures: softness and firmness, fluidity and boundary?
We will explore the art of balance experientially, through meditation and inquiry together. Everyone is welcome. No previous experience - of meditation or Judaism or anything else - is assumed or required. We’d love to welcome you.
This session will include:
- A guided meditation
- Concrete practices to take away with you
- Q&A
- Opportunity to talk with others
Zac Newman is the Community Director of HaMakom (the UK’s centre for Jewish meditation). Zac has been teaching meditation for over a decade, including in workplaces, retreats, conferences, schools and a wide variety of other venues. In addition to his teaching for HaMakom, Zac also teaches for Or HaLev and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. He is a long-time teacher of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction programme. Zac trained to teach through the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice at Bangor University. He has spent extensive time on retreat.
For those in their 20s and 30s.