Experience the joy of reading aloud together in a Shared Reading group.
In a world that feels increasingly divided, and with increased pressures on our mental health, Shared Reading offers us time and space to share what matters to us. Reading together improves wellbeing, reduces loneliness and helps us find new meaning in our lives.
Shared Reading brings people together in person (and when that’s not possible, online) in small groups to read aloud a short story or poem.
The Joyful Shared Reading Group meets regularly, on Zoom, on Monday mornings from 10.30 to 11.45. Please join us as we read together. Groups are free and open to all. There is no preparation.
From 16 October to 18 December 2023.
Click here for the weekly Zoom Link for this group.
Meeting ID: 858 4538 2662
Passcode: 650988
Reader Leaders are Leonie & Dorothy and if you require any further information, please email support@thereader.org.uk or telephone 0151 729 2250 between 10 am – 4 pm Mon – Fri.