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Join us and KeshetUK for a course providing training and education for parents and guardians looking to support LGBT+ children in a safer and non-judgemental space.

Whether you’re a carer for a child who’s come out for years or for days, or are seeking tools to create a healthy home should a child in your family ever come out, these sessions are for you.

KeshetUK is an education and training charity working with Jewish schools, youth and young adult organisations, synagogues, and communal organisations to benefit the wellbeing of LGBT+ people within the Jewish community.

24 February: Having Kinder Conversations 

Often, the most challenging conversations we need to have are with the people closest to us. The emotional stakes are often higher, and we worry about saying the wrong things or upsetting them. This can be even more difficult when talking across generations. The aim of this training is to give participants tools for having kinder conversations with young people about LGBT+ topics.

You can expect to: 

  • Go over terminology and language around LGBT+ identities (including pronouns) 
  • Practice having ‘kinder conversations’ with scenarios  
  • Discuss commonalities and differences between the hopes and concerns of LGBT+ young people and adults in their lives 

3 March: Being an Ally to LGBT+ Young People 

We all want to do our best to ensure young people have safe, happy lives. However, in today’s complex and quickly changing world, it can be difficult to know how to best support them. This session aims to get participants thinking about the skills they already have to be allies to LGBT+ young people and help participants develop new skills.  

You can expect to: 

  • Understand how to make your support most impactful 
  • Discuss the difference between ‘not rejecting’ and ‘accepting’ someone 
  • Talk about the different tools of allyship and how you can use them 
  • Learn strategies for supporting someone being bullied 

10 March: Navigating Life Events for LGBT+ Young People

This session is aimed at helping parents and families think through some of the life events that may create extra challenges for LGBT+ young people. We will discuss a series of life events, such as travel, school trips, religious milestones, and preparing for life after school.

You can expect to:

  • Talk through strategies for navigating life events with a young person as they arise
  • Learn where to find more information and support
  • Ask your questions about various situations that may crop up
  • Go through scenarios to learn common strategies

Please note

These sessions will take place in the building. 

A booking fee of £2 and a security levy of £1.50 will be added to all orders. More information can be found here

Dates - -

£10 per session

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