Alef bet - The Hebrew alphabet

Alte kaker - an elderly person / old geezer

Alav hashalom (ove sholem) - “may they rest in peace”

Bear - a carnivoran mammal of the family Ursidae

Behr - a classic European Jewish surname

Bimmer - the raised platform in a synagogue from which services are led and the the Torah is read

Broigus - A long standing dispute or disagreement 

Cheyder - school that teaches children the basics of Judaism and the Hebrew language

Farshtinkener - stinky

Ganze megillah - the whole story ‘pins’

Kibbitz - a chat/ gossip

Kneidlach - plural of Kneidl. A small dumpling matzah ball traditionally added to chicken soup

Kvelling - to feel very proud

Leyning - chanting/singing as you read from the Torah in synagogue

Pisher - an insignificant person

Plutzing - to explode/burst (with frustration/excitement/strong emotion)

Mechitza - a partition or divider that separates men and women in an Orthodox synagogue during prayer services and other programs

Mezuzah - a small box which hangs by the doors in many Jewish homes. The mezuzah opens up and inside is the Shema prayer, written on a small piece of

Mishpocha - family

Schmatta - a piece of cloth/clothing/rag

Schnorrer - someone who takes advantage of others generosity or is manipulative/ deceitful; someone who is tight with money

Shabbos - Yiddish for the sabbath (Jewish day of rest, from Friday sundown until Saturday sundown)

Sheitl - a wig worn by some married Orthodox Jewish women, covering the hair as a sign of modesty

Shiva - a period of seven days' mourning for the dead, beginning immediately after the funeral

Shofar - a ram's horn trumpet historically used as an ancient battle signal and now used in Jewish services and ceremonies like Rosh Hashanah 

Shpilkes - impatience, agitation, anxiety, or a combination of these feelings. Literally 'pins'

Shul - Synagogue

Siddur - prayer book

Simcha - party or celebration 

Tallis - a fringed shawl worn during prayer

Tekiah - a ritual call for the shofar

Tefillin - two black leather boxes (singular: 'tefillah') with straps which are worn for weekday morning prayers

Yahrzeit - the anniversary of the death of a parent or other close relative, marked by the burning of a memorial candle

Yente - a busybody, gossip, blabbermouth, or meddler

Yud - a Jewish ritual pointer used to follow the Torah